
Our Work

The League of Women Voters of New Jersey believes New Jersey should be a leader in providing the best education system possible for all of our children. This includes supporting a strong public education system.

Recent Actions

June 6, 2024: "League Members Provide Critical Testimony at the State Assembly Education Hearing in Support of the Freedom to Read Act".
Read the testimony by LWVNJ Member Carol Harvey and Energizing Young Voters Student Hoin Lee.
September 26, 2023: League of Women Voters of New Jersey Education Committee developed White Paper titled, "New Jersey Local Boards of Education: A Guide for League of Women Voters of New Jersey Members".
September 6, 2023: League of Women Voters of New Jersey Education Committee submitted testimony titled, "League of Women Voters of New Jersey Public Testimony Regarding Equity in Education".

January 11, 2023: League of Women Voters of New Jersey Education Committee submitted comments regarding the proposed changes to Chapter15, Bilingual Education, N.J. Administrative Code. 

Opposing School Vouchers

The League of Women Voters of New Jersey believes that the system of elementary and secondary education must be fiscally and educationally accountable to New Jersey citizens. Therefore, public funds should not be used through vouchers or direct payments, tax credits or other fiscal incentives or equivalent financial instruments to support students attending non-public schools.

Promoting Civics Education

A commitment to civic engagement and voting starts early! That is why we support legislation that strengthens civics education.
Read the White Paper on Civic Education developed by the LWVNJ Education Committee.

Get Involved

To get involved in LWVNJ's advocacy work on Education, please contact Jesse Burns at