About Us

The League is a political grassroots network and membership organization that believes the freedom to vote is a nonpartisan issue. For more than a century, we’ve worked to empower voters and defend democracy. As a women-led organization, we encourage everyone to take part in our democracy.

Mission, Vision, and Values
Empowering voters. Defending democracy.

We envision a people-powered democracy, actively dismantling systemic racism and removing all barriers to full participation in our government, to ensure New Jersey’s diverse communities are empowered to build political and community power.

Our Values

Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

We center the voices of the communities we serve and seek justice for those most often impacted by systemic racism and oppression in our democracy.

Integrity and Respect

We courageously stand in our nonpartisanship, centering the rights of voters over the power of politicians and political parties. We are committed to treating all individuals with respect and dignity.

Education, Empowerment, and Engagement

We build community power through emboldening (extra)ordinary people to gain knowledge and skills, get engaged, and lead.

Transparency and Accountability

We foster trust through an open, accountable, accessible, and visible decision-making process. We take accountability for our mistakes and celebrate our growth.

Community, Collaboration, and Belonging

We prioritize collaboration, community, and belonging through strengthening partnerships with individuals and organizations that share our values and goals.

League of Women Voters of New Jersey
The League of Women Voters of New Jersey  encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.

League of Women Voters of New Jersey Education Fund
The League of Women Voters of New Jersey Education Fund works to register voters, provide voters with nonpartisan election information, and conducts educational forums, candidate forums, and debates.

2023-2026 Strategic Plan
Building Power Together: A Strategic Plan to Renew and Transform the League of Women Voters of New Jersey
Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

LWV is an organization fully committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion in principle and in practice. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are central to the organization’s current and future success in engaging all individuals, households, communities, and policy makers in creating a more perfect democracy.

There shall be no barriers to full participation in this organization on the basis of gender, gender identity, ethnicity, race, native or indigenous origin, age, generation, sexual orientation, culture, religion, belief system, marital status, parental status, socioeconomic status, language, accent, ability status, mental health, educational level or background, geography, nationality, work style, work experience, job role function, thinking style, personality type, physical appearance, political perspective or affiliation and/or any other characteristic that can be identified as recognizing or illustrating diversity.
LWV es una organización totalmente comprometida con la diversidad, la equidad y la inclusión en principio y en la práctica. La diversidad, la equidad y la inclusión son fundamentales para el presente y futuro éxito de la organización en la participación de todas las personas, hogares, comunidades y políticos en la creación de una democracia más perfecta.

No habrá barreras para la participación plena en esta organización por razón de género, identidad de género, etnia, raza, origen nativo o indígena, edad, generación, orientación sexual, cultura, religión, sistema de creencias, estado civil, estado parental, estatus socioeconómico, idioma, acento, habilidad, salud mental, nivel educativo o antecedentes, geografía, nacionalidad, estilo de trabajo, experiencia laboral, función del rol laboral, estilo de pensamiento, tipo de personalidad, apariencia física, perspectiva política o afiliación y / o cualquier otra característica que identifique, reconozca, o ilustre diversidad.